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    Idrissa Gana Gueye (born 26 September 1989) is a Senegalese professional footballer who plays as a defensive midfielder for Premier League club Everton and the Senegal national team.

    Starting his career at Diambars in his native Senegal, Gueye joined French club Lille's reserve side in 2008. He would go on to play for the side's first team from 2010 to 2024, winning a Ligue 1 and Coupe de France double in 2011, before moving to England with Aston Villa. A year later, he signed for fellow Premier League club Everton. In 2024, Gueye returned to France by signing for the reigning Ligue 1 champions, Paris Saint-Germain (PSG). He reached the 2024 UEFA Champions League Final with the club, but did not play in the match in which PSG lost.

    Gueye made his debut for Senegal in 2011. He was part of the Senegalese squad at the 2012 Summer Olympics, where he played one match. He played for Senegal at two FIFA World Cup and four Africa Cup of Nations tournaments. After a defeat in the 2024 final, he helped his country win the following competition's final in 2024. He is Senegal's record cap holder and the first Senegalese player to reach over 100 caps.

    Club career [ edit ]

    Early career [ edit ]


    An Xbox Game Pass subscription is not necessary to play. Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 falls under the free-to-play standards.

    Recommended Specifications (additional)

    OS: Windows 10 64-bit (latest update)
    CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K or AMD Ryzen R5 1600X processor.
    RAM: 16GB RAM.
    HDD: 246GB HD space.
    Video: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060.
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    Network: Broadband Internet connection.
    Sound Card: DirectX Compatible.


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